Work With Us!Tell us a little more about your business, and why you would like to work with us! Let's Get The Boring Stuff Out of The Way * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Company Name * Where are you located? * Have you worked with a media company before? Yep, I know how this works Nope, first time! Okay, now let's get to the fun stuff... Tell us about your project! Give as much detail as possible! What parts of the process do you need us involved in? (Select all that apply) Pre Production Production Post Production All of the Above When would you like to get things rolling? ASAP 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6+ months How serious are you about working with us? Prime Edge is the only company we plan to talk to We are speaking with multiple companies trying to find who is the best fit for us Just kicking tires, looking for a rough estimate In a perfect world, if money weren't a factor, and we were to create the BEST results you could possibly imagine, what would those results look like, and how do you think we could get there? Let's be real. Why do you want to work with us? Why should we work with you? Why do you think we are a good fit? We don't work with just anyone! Congratulations! You have just taken the first step on embarking on your content creation journey!Please be sure to schedule a time to speak with our founder about your project below!