And no… We haven’t totally lost our minds.

See, every media company can make cool content…

But very few can create videos that actually produce measurable RESULTS.





Everyone creates videos.

We create results.

At Prime Edge we take things a step further, because we design content to get RESULTS, and we care about how our content performs.

Retention is absolutely vital to social media promos with a CTA at the end. By the end of this promo, over 65% of viewers saw the CTA. Backed by captivating copy, it was seen by even more.

In 24 hours, this video showed exponential engagement, which translated into 66 interested link clicks and countless inquiries for the product being shown, which was the bottom of the funnel for the post.

In 24 hours, we drove over 7,000 organic post views, which as you can see, is exponentially higher than the average organic reach they receive.

Within 24 hours, we created more engagement than any other post on their page had ever seen organically.


Here’s some results from a product showcase teaser we created for Creating the Difference on just Facebook ALONE…

Their long-form full video from this project did just as great, and can also be viewed here

In 24 hours, this video showed exponential engagement, which translated into 100+ conversions even in their off season, along with countless inquiries for the multiple products being shown, which was the bottom of the funnel for the post.

In 24 hours, we drove over 12,000 organic post views, which as you can see, is exponentially higher than the average organic reach they receive. 2 days after recording these results, they reached over 24,000 organically.

Within 24 hours, we created more engagement than any other post on their page had ever seen organically.


Some markets are easier than others… So what about white label ecom?

Well, we helped Abrasive Media & Company not only build trust behind their brand by showcasing their unique story and selling proposition,

But this video also put their new white label product on the map across the nation in a very short amount of time, in an incredibly saturated market!

Apart from the thousands of people that have seen this video since recording these results on their Facebook page alone, we helped Abrasive Media & Company gain a 4.7X higher organic reach than any other posts on their page without ANY ad spend.


Yep, we do those too. Because reels is one of the best and only ways to reach accounts that are not following you for FREE, and show your target market everything they need to know about you in 60 seconds or less.

We created these two reels for one of our retainer partners, and they both received more reach on their Instagram than any other post they had ever made.

In terms of reach, we helped them 210X their organic reach!


MTH Lawn Service is just as results driven as we are, and they knew that the best way to educate the public on why they need to work with a company that only uses the highest quality products, and shine light on a major issue in the industry was through a highly captivating video like this!

And man did it deliver…

Organically we were able to achieve 90%+ more reach and engagement than any of their recent posts, and 77% more conversions, and this was just the first time this video was posted prior to plugging in any ad spend!

And once we finished testing and plugged in just $500 in adspend, we achieved 160 link clicks, at just $3.13 a click!


Our partners at Vision Lanes were hosting a very special event, and they needed a way to get the message out to the local community and spark interest. So that’s exactly what we did!

Within 1 week, this ONE video, posted ONE time, generated 12,000+ impressions, with more engagement and conversions organically than 78%+ of their recent posts


One thing different about us from the rest of the industry, is that we often run split tests to ensure our distribution strategies are pulling in the absolute best results possible organically prior to running the videos as ads.

This video in particular was another top-of-funnel awareness campaign that brought in a huge amount of participants to the event, and had the event coordinator telling us she couldn’t walk into a bowling center without someone asking about the video!

Both distribution strategies put this video in the feed of over 14,000 individuals, and 900+ engagements, which were both well over 100% more than their previous posts, and pulled in a combined 150+ conversions, which translated to our client far surpassing her goal for the campaign for both entries, and organizers prior to ever introducing ad spend!


Our Regular Content Plan partners at have been in business for over a decade, and have one of the best one-stop-shop facilities in the industry. But the problem was, even after this long, so many people still had no idea what they have to offer at their brick and mortar facility!

So we decided a killer spokesperson video would be a great solution, and it definitely was!

Exposure and awareness was the name of the game here, and we were able to pull in more impressions and engagement in just 24 hours than any nearly every single one of their recent posts!


Influencer/Athlete Sydney Hollinger consulted with us to help grow her Instagram presence, and we set her up with a content plan to implement herself, and after just over a month of putting in the work and implementing the plan, she was able to 4X her reach, nearly double her engagement, and gain over 200+ followers all organically!


It’s all in the formula

See, most companies in our industry have the skills to make incredible videos...

However, they lack an effective, consistent strategy to capture attention, and deliver enough value to the end user that inspires them to actually take action.

Most also end their journey as soon as the video is produced. However, as business builders, we have the stats to prove that distribution and positioning is actually nearly more important than the video.

Because of this, sadly there are countless videos out there right now that were produced incredibly, and have a strong message, but because they lacked proper engaging distribution, those videos will go unseen.

We utilize a formula that is new, and unique to our industry and specifically designed to captivate and persuade even the coldest of audiences, with an unrivaled omni-present distribution strategy.




Isn’t it obnoxious how many clients have loved working with us?


  • Absolutely not. 

    Utilizing this system, we are literally incentivized to make you look freaking AMAZING, and take as much work off your plate as humanly possible, because we want you to crush it, and actually want to keep working with us!

    All we need from you is 30-60 minutes once a month to plan, approve what we write for you, and to show up to set. That’s it.

  • Honestly, glad you asked. Let’s talk about that…

    Any time you invest time and money to work with a marketing team, there’s a risk. Right? What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as he said? What if Parker is just a really good looking liar?

    So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios:

    Best Case: Over the next 3-12 months, you design a world-class branding content cash flow machine. You get hella leads. You sign hella clients. You and your team get new skills both in content marketing, as well as how to present yourself on camera in an authoritative way, and gain a ton of confidence, and ultimately YOU get to work on your favorite parts of the business, rather than wearing a billion hats, barely scraping by.

    That’s the best case. 

    But what about the worst case?

    Worst Case: “Life” happens, and maybe we don’t hit the goals we set, but-- You build a free standing content marketing strategy for the business that you know if followed, in the next couple months will turn into those goals. We then slow it down, and spend a little more 1:1 time together to really work out what’s going on with the content, and make sure you’re getting the results you need. 

    And if it’s still not working, and we absolutely cannot figure it out (which has never happened), we can chat about options as to what to do from there. We’re human to human here, and we’ll work with you for free until you see the results you deserve

    So that way there's literally no risk to give it a go and get started, is there?

  • We understand that by hiring us, you are looking to save your most precious resource... Your TIME.

    So we have designed a system that makes the process as efficient for you as possible.

    Expect to spend about 8-10 hours every 30 days (if you don't have someone else to manage your project like a Marketing Director) on this, including 30-60 minutes of planning, 4-8 hours of shooting, and roughly an hour total to approve all of the content we create.

  • We understand that content creation can get expensive, so we do our absolute best to make do with the free resources we have at our disposal.

    If we need actors for whatever reason, they are typically just friends standing in (unless you specifically choose to hire pro actors).

    Most locations are just your place of business, and possibly a few project sites.

    The only time you will ever spend extra money is if you specifically ask for a paid location, actors, or additional services such as extra shoots.

Ready to Take Your Online Presence to the Next Level?

Book a quick call with our founder to see if we can help!