Trust Catalyst 1.0

Monthly Social Media Photo/Video Marketing System

Are you a growth-minded CEO earning between $100K - $5M per year?

Do you want to stand out as a local celebrity, build more trust, and convert more sales effortlessly?

Trust Catalyst 1.0 is your turn-key solution.

Why Trust Catalyst 1.0?

Prime Edge Media introduces Trust Catalyst 1.0 - a revolutionary content marketing system designed to elevate your brand and attract the clients you actually WANT, without lifting a finger.

Unlike traditional marketing methods that only target a small percentage of your market who are ready to buy right NOW, Trust Catalyst 1.0 engages 100% of your audience, nurturing them from unaware prospects into loyal customers within 6-12 months.

Who We Are

Prime Edge Media is not just another videography company or marketing agency. We are a unique blend of the two, driven by results and committed to your success above everything else.

Our team acts as your dedicated video marketing department, providing you with high-quality brand-building content and a powerful social media lead generation strategy.

The reason why our clients get the results is simple: Transparency and REAL Collaboration

We are incredibly transparent about our results, and capabilities, and we are dedicated to helping you grow as your partner and video marketing department.

The Trust Catalyst System

Our Approach

  1. Understand Your Needs: We tailor our content strategy to address your specific business goals, whether you need more leads, better team members, or increased trust and credibility among prospects.

  2. Create Engaging Content: From project highlight reels with customer testimonials to educational clips and maintenance tips, we create content that resonates with your audience and showcases your unique brand personality and expertise.

  3. Deploy and Monitor: Once deployed, our evergreen content system ensures your content reaches the right audience at the right time, nurturing leads and converting them into customers.

How It Works

This is what we marketing nerds call “The Buyer Pyramid”.

This pyramid represents your market at any given point in time (roughly).

  • 3% “Ready to Buy Now”

    At any given point in time, only about 3% of people in your market are ready to buy NOW.

    Those are the people that are already hellbent on working with you, and just need a contract to sign.

  • 17% ”Research Mode”

    17% of your market are in information gathering, or research mode.

    These people understand they have a problem that they need to solve, and have an idea on how they need to solve it. They are just looking around for more information and potential businesses to work with.

  • 20% ”Problem Aware”

    20% of your market are only aware that they have a problem, but are not actively searching for a solution.

    Think someone who isn’t totally happy with their physique, and knows they should probably hit the gym, but just choose not to because it’s not a big enough problem to alter their current lifestyle.

  • 60% “Not Problem Aware

    Finally, the remaining 60% of your market have a problem, and don’t even realize it, or don’t understand the severity.

    Think of a couple that just moved into a house not knowing there was a big crack in the foundation they need to fix.

Why this is important…

“Normal” marketing techniques like SEO, direct mail, Google Ads, lead generation websites, direct-response social ads, cold outreach, etc. are only ever targeting roughly 10% of your market at any given time, leaving the other 90% high and dry.

We are able to combine high quality brand building photo and video content, with a killer social media lead generation strategy; allowing us to nurture all 100% of your market at any given time, and take people from not knowing you exist, or knowing they have a problem to “shut up and take my money!” in just 6-12 months.

Our Monthly Content Creation Process

How Your New Content Marketing Department Works

Each month, with less than 60 minutes of your time, your Creative Director will work with you to plan, create, edit and deliver content that is relevant to your business goals.

  • We begin each month looking back at the analytics from our efforts last month. From the data, we are able to make strategic decisions about what type of content we need to create for the following month to continue working toward solving the business' biggest problems, while building your online presence.

    This meeting is 1 hour and takes place via Google Meet.

  • Following our strategy session, our writers will take the information we spoke about, and they will come up with outlines for each piece of content that you will need to approve.

    All outlines come with a brief explainer video so you can make the best educated approval as possible in relation to the business' goals.

  • Once the outlines have been approved, we will schedule a day to meet with you and your team to create the photo/video content within the allotted time in your plan (4-8 hours).

    Production days can be any day or time that works best for you, including weekends, and outside normal business hours.

  • Our team of editors will sit down and engineer your content solution together into a masterpiece that is designed to solve the problems you are facing.

    Your content will go through a customized revision process specifically tailored to how involved YOU would like to be.

  • This is typically where video production companies fall short. But for us, this is where the real journey begins…

    Now it’s time to correctly distribute the content to ensure we get the results you’re looking for.

    You may choose to upload everything yourself, utilizing our proprietary social media content distribution SOP's.

    Or, our talented copywriters and designers can put together some captivating, value packed, and very persuasive copy and graphics for each video that you get to approve.

    All content is stored within your own private Google Drive.

How Our Content Makes Money Consistently

It’s ALL in the formula…

This is a validated, and relentlessly tested formula that has been utilized in different versions of the most viral commercials and video ads to ever be made.

Don’t believe us? 

Go look up your favorite commercial of all time, and you will see this formula play out in real time. ;) 

What the Content Looks Like

When it comes to what your content will look like, it totally depends on what your business needs most at the time, and the type of customer you serve.

Need more leads fast? It’s gonna be all about sales.

Need better team members? It’s gonna be all about recruiting new talent, and showcasing what makes you different from your competitors.

Need to build more knowledge and trust in your prospects before the sale? It’s gonna be a combo of educational content, and sales content on what makes you different from your competitors.

Industry: Interior Design/Remodels

Focus: Building trust and differentiation

Solution: Project highlight reels with a testimonial from the customer

Industry: Automotive Repair

Focus: Building trust and differentiation

Solution: Reels that both educate the audience on maintenance tips they can do themselves at home (with the hope to build enough trust, to entice their prospects to just come in and have them do it), as well as content on what makes their shop different from others.

Industry: Stress Consultant/Reflexology

Focus: Education on how stress is really affecting your life, to build trust and pre-educate prospects

Solution: Series of clips from her workshops and presentations with nuggets of solid information, showing her in front of an audience to build trust and perceived credibility

Industry: Bowling/Family Entertainment

Focus: Showcase what the franchise has to offer at each of their locations to entice new locals to come in and try them out

Solution: Reels showcasing the different activities and attractions they have to offer, as well as the energy in the room.

Content Consumption Journey (3-6mo in)

Step 1.

Once someone finds out about you, they are going to do the one thing that any reasonable person would: stalk the hell out of you on web, social, or both.

Step 2.

When they get there, they will immediately see what it is that you do, both on your site, and on social media. 

If they don’t get the info they need, and it doesn’t show people why they should buy from you, they won’t care enough to continue.

Step 3.

Based on what they see, they are going to decide whether or not they may be interested in working with you.

Step 4.

If they aren’t interested, and don’t get any value from your content on social media, they will leave your ecosystem because they don’t feel like they are the right fit.

Step 5.

If they ARE interested, they will do one of two things depending on which stage they’re in in the buyer pyramid…

  1. Refer you

  2. Reach out to see if they’d be a good fit for your offer

Hopefully either getting you a deal, or at least a solid referral

Step 6.

If they don’t buy right away but still get value from your content, they just go right back into your ecosystem where they consistently keep seeing your content, build more trust with you, and eventually reach out after they’ve gone up the buyer pyramid.

What Happens When You Stick With It (6-12+ mo)

Step 1.

After 6 months of consistently crushing content and building trust, your audience begins to grow exponentially, both through referrals and through finding you through your reels.

Step 2.

A small army of 10-20+ ride-or-die referrers begins to form, and though this group has possibly never even worked with you, they still shout your name from the hilltops at every chance they get, because they see all the great things you’re doing, and just assume you’re awesome at what you do (because you are!)

Step 3.

With a bigger audience, and more referrals also comes more engagement! Engagement is your likes, comments, shares, etc. which all show the platform that your content is producing real, meaningful conversation, which makes them show it to more people

Step 4.

Because you’ve gone from only getting engagement from your mom and your spouse, to a small army of people, you start building a lot more perceived credibility, which pushes people up the buyer pyramid even faster

Step 5.

By this time, we will also have a great pulse on what your audience actually wants to see, and we will be able to really dial in who we want to attract, which brings in more of your ideal clients, faster

Step 6.

Then as your lead flow increases, you’ll be able to start being more selective on who you work with as a client, as well as raise your prices, if you’d like. And ultimately you get to live the life you actually want, where you don’t have to be stressed about leads and cash flow 24/7, and you can begin to enjoy your business again.




When you join us at Prime Edge Media, you can invest with confidence because you’ll always be covered by our No-Risk Work For Free guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event we deliver a product you’re unhappy with, we’ll work for free until you’re happy.

Photo/Video Content Subscription Pricing

No onboarding fees, no long term contracts, just great content delivered to your team on your terms.

“Brand Builder”

  • 4 30-60s reels/mo

  • 4 5-15s micro reels/mo 

  • 25-50 edited marketing photos/mo

  • 1 half day shoots/mo in up to 2 locations (4hrs)

  • All B roll delivered afterward to create more content in the future

  • Content distribution guide to maximize ROI + All video content uploaded for you

  • One monthly content brainstorming session to get a pulse on what the business needs most, and create content ideas for the following month

  • ($1,950/mo, OR $5,265 PIF), 3mo minimum to see performance

“Solid Social Presence”

  • 8 30-60s reels/mo

  • 8 5-15s micro reels/mo 

  • 50-100 edited marketing photos/mo

  • Up to 2 half day shoots/mo in up to 2 locations (4hrs)

  • All B roll delivered afterward to create more content in the future

  • Content distribution guide to maximize ROI + All video content uploaded for you

  • One monthly content brainstorming session to get a pulse on what the business needs most, and create content ideas for the following month

  • ($3,450/mo, OR $9,315 PIF) 3mo minimum to see performance

“Content Marketing Master”

  • 8 30-60s reels/mo

  • 16 5-15s micro reels/mo 

  • 50-100 edited marketing photos/mo

  • Up to 3 half day shoots/mo in up to 2 locations (4hrs)

  • All B roll delivered afterward to create more content in the future

  • Content distribution guide to maximize ROI + All video content uploaded for you

  • One monthly content brainstorming session to get a pulse on what the business needs most, and create content ideas for the following month

  • ($6,750/mo, OR $18,090 PIF) 3mo minimum to see performance

Ready to Take Your Online Presence to the Next Level?

Book a quick call with our founder to see if we can help!

But……. Has this actually worked for other people?

See for yourself!


Isn’t it obnoxious how many clients have loved working with us?


  • Absolutely not. 

    Utilizing this system, we are literally incentivized to make you look freaking AMAZING, and take as much work off your plate as humanly possible, because we want you to crush it, and actually want to keep working with us!

    All we need from you is 30-60 minutes once a month to plan, approve what we write for you, and to show up to set. That’s it.

  • Honestly, glad you asked. Let’s talk about that…

    Any time you invest time and money to work with a marketing team, there’s a risk. Right? What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as he said? What if Parker is just a really good looking liar?

    So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios:

    Best Case: Over the next 3-12 months, you design a world-class branding content cash flow machine. You get hella leads. You sign hella clients. You and your team get new skills both in content marketing, as well as how to present yourself on camera in an authoritative way, and gain a ton of confidence, and ultimately YOU get to work on your favorite parts of the business, rather than wearing a billion hats, barely scraping by.

    That’s the best case. 

    But what about the worst case?

    Worst Case: “Life” happens, and maybe we don’t hit the goals we set, but-- You build a free standing content marketing strategy for the business that you know if followed, in the next couple months will turn into those goals. We then slow it down, and spend a little more 1:1 time together to really work out what’s going on with the content, and make sure you’re getting the results you need. 

    And if it’s still not working, and we absolutely cannot figure it out (which has never happened), we can chat about options as to what to do from there. We’re human to human here, and we’ll work with you for free until you see the results you deserve

    So that way there's literally no risk to give it a go and get started, is there?

  • We understand that by hiring us, you are looking to save your most precious resource... Your TIME.

    So we have designed a system that makes the process as efficient for you as possible.

    Expect to spend about 8-10 hours every 30 days (if you don't have someone else to manage your project like a Marketing Director) on this, including 30-60 minutes of planning, 4-8 hours of shooting, and roughly an hour total to approve all of the content we create.

  • We understand that content creation can get expensive, so we do our absolute best to make do with the free resources we have at our disposal.

    If we need actors for whatever reason, they are typically just friends standing in (unless you specifically choose to hire pro actors).

    Most locations are just your place of business, and possibly a few project sites.

    The only time you will ever spend extra money is if you specifically ask for a paid location, actors, or additional services such as extra shoots.

Ready to Take Your Online Presence to the Next Level?

Book a quick call with our founder to see if we can help!